This morning, while at the gym, I heard an old song that I thought would be great for Motivational Music Monday. The song always stops me in my tracks as it was very popular the first fall I was away from home, in the Air Force. A good friend and myself would hit every club on the Mississippi Gulf Coast that fall. Every club would be playing “Mambo #5” by Lou Bega.
What a great song. Even now (as in this morning in the locker room at the gym) I get to dancing when I hear this song. I was all set to post this song until…7:30 a.m. my little munchkin is up and jumping in his crib. His “exercises” as, I like to call them, pump him up for the day. When I entered his bedroom he was singing “la-la-la” to the rhythm of his jumping.
Now many (or probably all) of you don’t know that I am 75% Italiano (do you see where this is going?)…Sicilian to be exact. The munchkins “la-la-la” brought me back to another Lou—Lou Monte singing “Che La Luna Mezzo Mare” better known as “Lazy Mary”.
I had no idea how big of a hit this song was going to be with a 2-year-old. But it also gets my hands clapping and my toes tapping. So I want to pass this song on to you on this last Monday of February 2014. Arrivederci e buona fortuna!