How To Get Kids to Fall In Love With Outdoor Activites

Outside activities for kids

With computer, video games, and TV shows created to entice kids’ attention, our children are spending progressively more time indoors and far less time outdoors than previous generations. If you’re like most parents, this can be a cause of unease and worry. Most of these indoor activities require very little physical activity adding to the growing number of obese and overweight children. 

Attentively, parents are beginning to examine fun and safe activities that will get kids outdoors and into the fresh air and sunshine. There are many stress-free outdoor options available for kids that have been around for years, finding one that is right for your child may require a bit of imagination. But when you look at all of the great health benefits of outdoor activities you can understand why outdoor play is vital to their young lives.

Many recent studies show that childhood obesity has been rapidly rising in the United States. One of the main factors increase is indisputably the lack of physical activity and exercise. The CDC reports that in the past 30 years, childhood obesity has doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents. Childhood obesity is also causing health problems in children that previously weren’t seen until adulthood like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and high blood cholesterol levels.

Additionally, obese and overweight children are prone to psychological issues like low self-esteem, negative body image, and depression. The key to breaking the obesity cycle simply comes down to increasing the amount of physical activity our kids get each day—many children simply don’t get enough.

This is why outdoor play is extremely important. When children are outside, they have a tendency to be more active and engaged in their activities. That may seem commonsensical, but the question then becomes, how do we inspire our kids to leave the electronic inside and participate in outdoor activities?

The secret is to demonstrate how much fun it can be to play outdoors. Jumping on a trampoline, swinging from the monkey bars, playing on the swings or a slide will interest most kids. You can also play fun outdoor games as a family like balloon volleyball, create a scavenger hunt, or even build an obstacle course.   Your kids will soon see just how much fun outdoor activities can truly be.

Encouraging your kids to play outdoors can help children to be healthier and happier that they will carry on throughout their lives. What are you waiting for? Get your kids up and outside today!

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