Restore Yourself in Nature

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get into nature

Have you ever noticed some people just seem to glide through life easier than others? If you are anything like me, you may be on a thin line between happiness and insanity. Being a mother, wife, writer, and volunteer can have many challenges. Your life may be just as challenging or even more challenging.

But here is a simple prescription for reducing stress and anxiety and restoring your mommy sanity: take a walk in the park or a hike in nature at least once a week. John Muir once said:

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. As age comes on, one source of enjoyment after another is closed, but Nature’s sources never fail.”   

Nature’s “healing” becomes more intense when you get out into nature more frequently. Nature’s affectionate rhythms and healing vitalities are still the most invigorating forces. Just think back to the last time you spent a few days at the beach or in a cabin by the lake. Did you feel more at peace with yourself and the world? Did your senses seem to calm?

Even a stroll in the mountains or sitting near a river can arouse the delicate cadences of our mind and soul, returning beauty within.  After a few days in nature, you will start to sense your tension melting away, letting the energy within you to resurface. Very soon, your physical and emotional health will feel revitalized.

Receive nature’s cure today by deciding at least once a week to walk amongst the trees or eat lunch in nature with a friend or alone. Draw the colors of nature into your soul to allow them to transform and change you. Observe the changing of the trees, the falling of the leaves.

So, the next time you feel stress, worry, anxiety, anger, sadness, or any of the other emotions we as mothers feel just go outside. While you are taking in nature’s beauty, breathe in deeply and then exhale the stress from your mind, body, and spirit.

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