Here are 80 non-toy gift Ideas you can reference for birthdays, Christmas, or any other time of the year. Tip: you might also want to pass this along to family members as a “what-to-buy guide” for birthdays and holidays.
Event Passes
Season Passes
- Zoo
- Children’s Museum
- Aquarium
- Amusement Park
- Water Park
- Baseball/Football/Hokey/Basketball Team
Single Use Passes
- Movies
- Bowling
- Ice/Roller Skating
- Mini Golf
- The Circus
- A Sporting Event
- A Concert
- Disney on Ice
- Gift certificate to favorite restaurant
Fun Experiences
For Kids
- Donate gently used toys, books, puzzles, and games to a local homeless shelter
- Horse Drawn Carriage Ride
- A Train Ride
- A Special Dinner Out (for birthdays, let kids pick their favorite place)
- A Trip to the Fire Station
- A Trip to Chuckie Cheese
For Teens and Grown-Ups
- Hot Air Balloon Ride
- Zip Lining
- Helicopter Ride
- Trip to the Spa (ex. Mani/Pedi, Facial, etc.)
- Rock Climbing
- Hiking
- Whitewater Rafting
- Gift certificate to an art and wine night (adults 21+)
Whole-Family Experiences
- A staycation at a local hotel
- A vacation to a hotel with an indoor waterpark (like Great Wolf Lodge).
- Camping
- Road or day trip
- Trip to the Beach
- A trip to Disney World/Disney Land
Classes or Lessons
- Swimming
- Sports/Martial Arts
- Gymnastics
- Dance
- Musical Instrument
- Pottery Class
- Craft or Art Class
- Horseback Riding Lessons
Toy-Free Gifts
Small Gifts
- Books
- Art Supplies
- Games
- Puzzles
- Age Appropriate CDs
- iTunes Gift Cards
- Bath Time Fun Supplies (like: bath tablets, soap crayons, bath toys, foamy soap, etc.)
- A Wrist Watch
- Piggy Bank
- Memory/Photo Book
Large Gifts
- New Bedding (with favorite movie or cartoon character)
- Bicycle
- Scooter
- Roller skates/blades
- Basketball Hoop
- Trampoline
- Swing Set
- Sled or Other outdoor winter items
- Toy box
- Jewelry box
- A New Game Console
Subscription Gifts
- Magazine Subscription (ex. National Geographic Kids, Highlights High Five, etc)
- Monthly Craft Kit (like Kiwi Crate)
- Monthly Science Kit
- Book-Of-The-Month Club (like Children’s Book of the Month Club)
- Baby Essentials Subscription (like Walmart’s Baby Box)
Learning Gifts
- Craft Kit
- Science Kit
- Magic Kit
- Telescope
- Cookbook with an Apron/Chefs Hat
- Easel
- Chalkboard/ Dry Erase Board
- Binoculars
- Globe
- Educational App
One response to “80 Non-Toy Gift Ideas”
These are fun gifts ideas! Thanks for posting this! I’ve been looking for things to give, something different and I think I have found them. As parent I want my kids to engage in physical activities so I might just bring them to camping! :)