30-Day November Gratitude Challenge

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30 day gratitude challenge

By now you have probably heard of gratitude challenge. The gratitude challenge is essentially a 30-day journey of self-reflection of the people, places, and experiences you are grateful for. With the month of November including Thanksgiving, the primary gratitude holiday of the year, this is a wonderful month to perform the 30-day gratitude challenge. Many people tend to also complete a similar challenge again after the New Year.

So, starting November 1, take a little time each day during the month of November to be thankful for all the blessings in your life. This challenge will give you the chance to reflect and recognize all of the favor and blessings in your life.

Below, I have listed a few writing prompts to encourage and inspire you along your gratitude challenge journey. Pick 30 of the following writing prompts—one per day—and write a sentence or two about what you are grateful for based on the prompt. You can post your daily responses on your Facebook page, Tweet it, blog it, journal it, or type it out.  For example: Friends: I am grateful that I have such a loving and understanding friends.

30 days gratitude challenge infographic

  1. Mind
  2. Opportunities
  3. Childhood memories
  4. An answered prayer
  5. Sense of taste
  6. Sense of sight
  7. Sense of hearing
  8. Sense of smell
  9. Heart
  10. Health
  11. School/teachers
  12. Family
  13. Friends
  14. Parents
  15. Sense of touch
  16. Freedom of speech
  17. Fears
  18. Disappointment
  19. Ancestors
  20. Sunset/Sunrise
  21. Oxygen
  22. Mother Nature
  23. Home
  24. Generosity
  25. Perspective
  26. Wisdom
  27. Synchronicity
  28. Inspiration
  29. Healthcare
  30. A fresh start
  31. Dreams come true
  32. Enemies
  33. Kind strangers
  34. Mistakes
  35. Heartbreaks
  36. Laughter
  37. Love
  38. Life’s challenges
  39. Life
  40. Animals/pets
  41. Internet
  42. Transportation
  43. Technology
  44. Music/Movies/Books/Blogs
  45. Time
  46. Job/Career
  47. Hope
  48. Healing
  49. Helping others
  50. Change

How is your gratitude challenge going? What are you most grateful for?


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