Easy Whole30/Paleo Mayonnaise

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Plaeo whole30 mayo

Back when I started my first round of Whole30, before I found out I was pregnant, I was a little saddened that I was unable to enjoy some of my more favorite “healthy” foods because they included non-approved ingredients. Some may think that the Whole30 is some ultra-strict, no fun diet. That is FAR from the case. In fact, Whole30 is the opportunity to try and discover new blends and flavors of foods and meals.

My number one yummy food that I missed was mayonnaise.

Looking through the grocery store aisles, there are many varieties of mayonnaise, but none of them are Whole30 “healthy”. Now you can BUY Whole30 approved mayonnaise, but it is pretty pricey. But making mayonnaise seemed like a daunting task.

I had given up on making homemade, Whole30 mayonnaise. My first attempt was a complete disaster. It was so much of an exact science that it came out as a milky white substance instead of thick, creamy mayonnaise.

I thought that I would be stuck not being able to make tuna salad or egg salad until after this round was finished. Luckily, with the help of Pinterest and a little experimenting, I was able to create the easiest, most delicious and FOOLPROOF mayonnaise.

My secret: The Immersion Blender!

Here’s how to make basic mayonnaise:


  • A tall and narrow container. Make sure that has an opening wide enough to accommodate your immersion blender (sometimes called a stick blender). With all of the various sized glass jars I had, none would accommodate my blender, so I ended up using the 3 cup container that came with my blender.
  • An immersion blender. This is the trick to perfect homemade mayonnaise. I tried using a blender before, and it ruined the mayo texture. Some swear by a whisk, but it can take a LONG time. Get a nice 2-speed immersion blender and watch the magic happen.


  • 1 whole large fresh egg
  • 1 cup light tasting olive oil OR avocado oil
  • 3 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar, or fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon of salt


  1. Place ingredients into the container.
  2. Allow the egg to float to the bottom of the container.
  3. Place the immersion blender at the bottom of the container.
  4. Turn on the blender at the LOWEST
  5. Continue to keep the blender at the bottom of the container for 30 SECONDS. You will start to see the mayo coming to the top.
  6. After the 30 seconds, SLOWLY begin to bring the blender to the top allowing all the oil to be blended.

Voila! Mayo in 60 seconds!

You can stir in additional ingredients like—fresh herbs and spices—after you make your mayonnaise to make it uniquely your own. You can also experiment with different oils and juices/vinegar. 

It is best to store your homemade mayo in a sealed container and keep it in the refrigerator for up to a week.


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