Being busy is part of a mom’s job. But staying productive may not be as easy as it seems. Here are 17 ways for you to create produce, improve, and maintain your productivity at home and at work.
1. Wake Up Earlier
You have probably heard the old saying: “The early bird gets the worm!” Getting up earlier in the morning can give you some time to get started on a few projects or plan the day in the same amount of time or less. Early mornings are also a great time to meditate or get a little exercise in which can also increase your energy to keep you productive throughout the day.
2. Get Organized
Being organized helps to saves you time and money. When you are organized, you can easily access your files and records suitably. If you are a blogger, being organized can mean the difference between getting paid projects and not. Organizing your work also helps to settle your mind and organize your thoughts. This guide by The Haute Notes can help you get and stay organized.
3. Be On Time
Being a mom means rolling with the punches. If you’re like me, you probably hate the idea of being late. It’s a huge waste of time when others arrive late to appointments and meetings. Help inspire promptness in others by having a reputation for punctuality.
4. Stay on Task
The key to great productivity is dependent on knowing and doing what needs to be done. Watch out for getting sidetracked by secondary activities that interfere with your productivity. Remember that unnecessary time spent absorbed in maintaining your productivity system is considered a secondary activity. Instead, focus on what needs to be done now.
5. Just Say “No.”
Take note to where your energy and focus is attentive. Sometimes, saying “no” can be an important part of your productivity balance. Even opportunities that come along may be distractions from the work you are already working on. Often, being painstakingly selective can boost your productivity.
6. Don’t Waste Time
If you are a blogger or work online, this could be listed the number one rule for you. There are a so many online distractions from social media to emails to streaming media. One way to ensure your time and productivity are not random wasted is to turn off technology to maintain productivity. Restrict or turn off notifications to sites that sidetrack you while you are working.
7. Be a Hermit
When I am working on an important article or projects, one of the most important ways that I remove external distractions is to go into isolation. When you find your schedule filled with high-priority tasks, it is important to focus all of your energy on the task at hand until it’s completed. Then move on to the next task.
8. Prevent Interruptions
To start and keep great focus and concentration, decrease and prevent potential interruptions. This helps you to get and keep your task momentum/flow and remain there without starting and stopping. Avoid electronics that may interrupt you, like the cell phone, internet, or television.
9. Plan
Take the first 30 minutes of every day to plan the rest of it. Make a list of important tasks that you need to complete and stay focused on these items. Schedule yourself to complete three must-achieve tasks every day. Remember to take a short break between each task to give your mind a break.
10. Capitalize on your Productivity
Keep a close eye on your schedules for at least a week. Pay attention to how and where you use your time. Look at where you spend the majority of your time? And where you spend the least time. If you find that you are far more productive during a certain time of the day than another, try to get as much completed during that period. During your times of unproductive, try to engage in cross-productive tasks like going to the gym, meeting up with friends, or other activities.
11. Use Productivity Tools
With all that you have on your plate, sometimes it’s difficult to keep constantly up with it all. A calendar system can help to keep your priorities and tasks organized. With a calendar tool like Google Calendar, you can easily prioritize and control your time on all your electronic devices, plan meetings or calls, appointments, and boost your productivity. If you have a busy family, like mine, you will be happy to know that it also has features that allow you to coordinate with your significant other by permitting two or more people to merge their calendars together. Here is a great blog post by
12. Chunk your Tasks Together
When you need to complete tasks, chunk related tasks together. For example, if you work online, post to all social media accounts at the same time.
13. Set Work Time Limits
Working from home can sometimes mean that you are working all hours. To work less and get more done, limit both your work sessions to 60-120 minutes and your weekly output to 40 hours. Quantity does not always equal quality. So, practice doing more in less time.
14. Focus on What Really Matters
Not everything has to be a priority or have the same degree of importance. Determine which tasks are most important and in line with your prescheduled plan for the day. Using a numbered list of priorities can help you concentrate and complete all tasks from start to finish. This will help you to be more selective and effective as you move through your day.
15. Define Roles and Delegate Work
If you are running a household, define specific roles and goals for each family member and divide housework accordingly. You may feel or want to do everything, but doing too much can cause burnout. Plainly defining roles for each family member gives everyone in the family a better understanding of who does what. You might find delegating taking the trash out to your 8-year old can clear up your time to complete other household tasks. This can increase your household productivity dramatically. I love this list from Simply Kierste that shows the breakdown of appropriate chores by ages.
17. End Your Day Positively
Spend the last few hours of your day to complete your easiest tasks like sending a thank you reply messages or emails. Ending a day full day on a positive high note can help to reinforce your patterns each day.