Destress Yourself in 60 Seconds

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antistress exercise

There are many dialogues regarding the modern worldwide stress level. Often this creates minor anxiety in some people. Despite what is causing our stress, there are ways to destress ourselves in less than 60 seconds with the purpose of decreasing small anxiety levels.

The reason it is so essential to have the awareness of and capability to carry out this exercise is because we can use it at anywhere and at any time when we are feeling a little anxious, troubled, or worried. When we are feeling anxious, troubled, or worried this exercise can dramatically alter our feelings to immediate serenity, certainty, and trust.

The easiest way to perform this exercise is when you are in the comfort of your home, alone or in a peaceful environment. After training yourself with this exercise, it should become an easy habit you can perform anywhere at any time.

Performing the Exercise

  1. Sit upright and relaxed in a quiet environment.
  2. Close your eyes and begin to relax your mind and body.
  3. Inhale slowly, filling your lungs to fully, like a balloon.
  4. Hold your inhalation for three seconds and feel your heartbeat.
  5. Exhale slowly, visualization yourself letting go all of your tension from your body as you breathe out.
  6. Feel your entire body and mind relax.
  7. Repeat steps 1-6 three times.
  8. In conclusion, sit silent for a moment and sense your serenity, certainty, and trust return.

When we perform this exercise, we relax and take our racing thoughts from our mind and our concentrate on bringing relaxation and stillness to our mind, thoughts, emotions, and body. This exercise can be performed at anytime and anywhere when you feel stress and anxiety trying to overtake you.

Use this exercise as a regular practice and you will notice your ability to destress yourself immediately is simple and attainable in any situation.

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