My daughter just turned 16. For her 16th birthday (and even before then) she begged, pleaded, cried, and schemed on ways that she could get an iPhone. And as much as I wanted to keep her from technology (we try to be a low tech home), I know that at some point she will need to know how to use technology responsibly. My husband and I decided to buy her a PREPAID, refurbished iPhone for her sweet 16th birthday.
Gifting a piece of technology does not come without rules. We decided that a “contract” was the best way to make sure that she knew the rules and consequences of being an iPhone owner. Below is the “contract” that we created for her to ensure that she is safely and responsibly using her new piece of technology.
Dear Daughter:
Happy Sweet 16th Birthday! You are now the lucky owner of a new iPhone! You’re a responsible 16-year-old girl and you deserve this gift. Accepting this iPhone comes a few rules and regulations.
Please read through the following technology contract. It’s our job to raise you into a balanced, smart, and healthy young woman that can function and exist in the world with technology, not be controlled by it. Not complying with these rules will result in termination of your iPhone rights.
We love you dearly and look forward to sharing text messages and social media posts with you in the upcoming days.
- It is our phone. We bought it. We paid for it. We are lending it to you. Aren’t we the BEST?
- We will ALWAYS know the password to this iPhone. We will look through your phone whenever there’s a need, even without your permission.
- If it rings, answer it. It is a phone. DO NOT ever ignore a phone call if the screen says “Mom” or “Dad.”
- Parental controls have been installed and activated. Your phone will promptly lock you out from the internet and ALL apps at 10 pm every school night and unlocked at 6 am. It will also be locked from 7:45 am to 2:40 pm during the school day. While these times are given to you as a warning, the lock CAN and will be turned on at any time for any reason. NO exceptions.
- DO NOT text or call at these times (10 pm-6 am S-TH; 7:45 am-2:4 0pm) unless it is an absolute emergency. Respect other families.
- If your iPhone falls into the tub, breaks into a million pieces, or you lose it, you’re responsible for the replacement or repair costs.
- DO NOT use this iPhone to lie or deceive another person. Don’t participate in conversations that hurt others. NO BULLYING (if you are being bullied on social media let us know ASAP)!
- DO NOT say anything through this iPhone you would not say in person.
- DO NOT say anything to someone that you would not say out loud with Dad or me. Censor yourself.
- No inappropriate content or conversations. If you have a question about anything, ask a person — preferably me or Dad.
- DO NOT be rude. Turn off and put away your iPhone in public places.
- DO NOT send or receive pictures of your private parts or anyone else’s private parts. It is hard to make anything truly disappear online — including a bad reputation.
- DO NOT take a million pictures or videos. You DO NOT need to document everything. Live your life experiences and store them forever in your memory.
- DO NOT give your number to anyone you do not know in real life. Also, do not share personal information (including you phone number and address) to anyone you do not know in real life. If you have questions about this, please ask us.
- Look up every now and again and see the world happening around you. Explore the world without looking at or relying on your iPhone for entertainment.
- This iPhone DOES NOT have unlimited talk, text, and data. This is a prepaid iPhone through Straight Talk Wireless. We have paid for the first month; you are responsible for every month after. Babysit, mow a lawn, stash away some birthday money. Be prepared to pay about $55 a month.
- When you have Wi-Fi access, turn OFF your cellular data. This will help you from going through your minutes too quickly.
- I have set up an iTunes account for you. DO NOT change this email or password without telling us first. DO NOT use another iTunes account on this iPhone.
- To keep this iPhone, you WILL maintain a 3.0 GPA, and you WILL do all of your daily chores. If you slack on grades or chores, you WILL get your iPhone taken away.
- When you get your license, DO NOT text and drive.
- You WILL tell us when you receive suspicious or alarming phone calls or text messages from people you don’t know. You will also tell us if you’re being harassed by someone via your cell phone.
- You WILL NOT lie about where you’ve been or how you’re using your iPhone. Answer questions openly, honestly, and directly.
- You WILL keep a protective case on your iPhone at all times.
- You WILL give us the old iPhone or give it back to the original owner ASAP.
- You will screw up. We will take away your phone.
We hope that you can agree to these terms. Many of the rules listed do not just apply to the iPhone, but to life in general. You’re growing up fast in an exciting and dynamic world. Keep it simple every chance you can. We love you. We hope you enjoy your awesome new iPhone.
Love Always,
Mom and Dad
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