Category: Music
Music Monday: The Air Force Song
It is funny how we as humans remember certain dates. Whether it is a birthday, and anniversary of your wedding, or the day a family member passed away, we put these dates away in our minds to revisit them with fond memories every year. I am in remembrance of an anniversary on this date. Not… Read more
Music Monday: Out of My League-Fitz and the Tantrums
A few weeks ago I posted about a new band that I had discovered, Fitz and the Tantrum’s and their song “The Walker”. Since that post I have grown even further in love with this band. At first I did not like their album but a recent visit to Spotify got me hooked and I… Read more
Music Monday: “Faded”
Sorry for the late Music Monday post. I had the dreaded Jury Duty today. I was in the middle of Jury Duty when I realized that I had forgotten to post the song of the day. Unfortunately we were not allowed to have cell phones or computers in the courthouse so I had to write… Read more
Music Monday: “The Walker”
Midweek last week I heard this song on our indie radio station in town. I did not realize that I had heard it before but it really spoke to my soul and got my toes tapping and my head bopping. This is a music Monday song.The song, “The Walker”, is from the band Fitz and… Read more
Motivational Music Monday: Coca-Cola’s “America the Beautiful”
This is a beautiful version of “America the Beautiful” that shows just how much beauty there is in diversity. This Coca-Cola commercial played during the 2014 Super Bowl. Read more
Motivational Music Monday: The Last Monday of February 2014
This morning, while at the gym, I heard an old song that I thought would be great for Motivational Music Monday. The song always stops me in my tracks as it was very popular the first fall I was away from home, in the Air Force. A good friend and myself would hit every club… Read more
Motivational Music Monday: Happy
Happy Monday! How was your weekend? This is my new favorite song. Oh my goodness how it makes me want to just clap my hands and dance around the room. That would be a sight, huh? My kids even love this song and start bobbing their heads to the beat…even the baby which is cute… Read more
Motivational Music Monday:Superbowl 2014 Halftime Show
Happy Monday! It is Post-Super Bowl Monday and I know many if my friends and family are hung over today. I did not get a chance to catch the Super Bowl but I got a chance to see this little gem. So, if you missed the Super Bowl 2014 Halftime show, here it is in… Read more
Motivational Music Monday:Pick Up The Pieces
Ever since I saw the movie “Swingers” in the late 90’s, I have loved this song. Today at the gym, at the conclusion of my workout I heard this song again-made my morning! I hope it makes your day too! Have a great Monday! [youtube=] Read more