Category: Music
Motivational Music Monday- 11/11 Veteran’s Day
Happy Veteran’s Day to all of our Veteran’s who follow this blog. Since today is Veteran’s Day, it is only fitting that today’s Motivational Music Monday songs are the songs from each of the five branches of the military: Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard. For all of you who are serving or… Read more
Motivational Music Monday 11/4
Happy Monday! Everyone can use a little music inspiration occasionally, and what better way to increase your motivation than through great music. Today’s Motivational Music Monday centers around my favorite era of music and movies—the 80’s. Read more
Motivational Music Monday 10/28
It is time for another Motivational Music Monday list. It seems that the weekend just flew by, doesn’t it? We need a little music to brighten up the day and to get us moving in the right direction this week. Here are a few songs that are inspirational yet not so obnoxious that I want… Read more
The Art of “Rick Rolling”
So, it is apparent that many people do not know what it means to get “Rick Rolled“. Every few months, my husband and I attempt to “Rick Roll” each other. He usually wins but, don’t tell him that. I even have a friend who I have (unsuccessfully, I might add) attempted to “Rick Roll” on… Read more
Why Does Anyone Want to Know… “What Does the Fox Say”?
Have you seen this crazy video? It is so stupid that it is almost impossible for it not to go viral. My oldest child told me that kids at the junior high school are singing this song all-the-time. I would jump out the window if I had to hear this all day. When I first… Read more
Motivational Music Monday
Fall is finally upon us. The days are gloomier and shorter and the cool weather has many staying indoors. This can lead to, what I like to call, the “Fall Slump”. Really, it is just missing the summertime days and temperatures and the ability not be cooped up inside. Not to mention Mondays, at any… Read more