Category: Family
Homemade Laundry Detergent
After seeing recipes online and hearing about friends who had gone chemical-free in their homes, I decided to try to make my own laundry detergent. There are thousands of recipes out that that use anywhere from 3-10 ingredients to make laundry soap. Personally, I found some of these “natural” homemade laundry soap recipes to have… Read more
Oswego: Where Are the Sidewalks?
When I was a teenager, I use to walk home from after school activities instead of riding the activity bus or calling my mom to pick me up. The walk was a good 1.5 miles through neighborhoods and a field. For the most part (minus the field part), I was walking on a sidewalk through… Read more
Homemade Baby Butt Cream
My toddler son has another diaper rash. We had been road tripping a lot this past weekend. He was not complaining about being on his bum so much. But, when I changed his diaper this morning, I saw the damage of him sitting in his carseat for 4 hours at a time. It was a… Read more
SexyMoxieMama’s Quick and Healthy Lactation Smoothie
As some of you who have been following this blog for awhile know, we welcomed a baby boy into the world last year. Well that baby is now 15 months old and just welcomed his baby sister to the world in June. Life has been fast paced, and a bit hectic at times. My previous… Read more
Fitness and Diet for Pregnant Mama’s-My Personal Account
When I found out I was pregnant again, I decided that since I had not lost all the baby weight from the previous pregnancy, I wanted to gain little to no weight. Illness and extreme fatigue blew that idea out of the water. I started out this pregnancy not gaining much weight but after awhile,… Read more