Category: Family
5 Youtube Channels for Fun At-Home Workouts
Being pregnant means being more health for me and my growing baby. This time around, I am trying to incorporate more exercise more into my daily life, but it has been a struggle for me. I’m not “in love” with working out. I have a gym membership but with my always changing energy levels, it… Read more
The Benefits of Stroller Walking Group
Motherhood can often be challenging for new and experienced moms alike. For new moms, the stresses of their newborn often lead to a tendency to have a very restricted social life. It’s rare to have the opportunity to meet up with friends or coworkers for a social event since most of your time is spent… Read more
The BIG List of Blogger Networks that Pay
Are you a blogger that just started blogging, or are you thinking about becoming a blogger? The internet is quickly becoming a means for more people and businesses to make money online. Many people these days are using Blogging as a Business. Read more
17 Amazing Productivity Boosts
Being busy is part of a mom’s job. But staying productive may not be as easy as it seems. Here are 17 ways for you to create produce, improve, and maintain your productivity at home and at work. Read more
5 Ugly Lies Moms Tell Themselves
Motherhood can be anything but direct and straightforward. Multifaceted and challenging, motherhood is an expedition for only the most resilient women among us. Very often moms are untruthful to themselves to make motherhood appear much easier and less challenging. Time and again we don’t even recognize we are doing it. Here are five lies you might… Read more
The Whole30 Pregnancy
Happy New Year, everyone! Wow, I cannot believe that it is already 2016. For me, a new year always comes a new resolution to better myself mentally, spiritually, professionally, and most importantly— physically. We recently found out that we are expecting our FOURTH child. While my mind was thinking about our precious gift, my body… Read more
Happy Holidays
Wishing you and your family a joyous Holiday Season and a New Year filled with peace and happiness. Read more
31 Day Kindness Challenge
We have all heard of the idea of paying it forward. This notion inspires us to help other people, asking only that they randomly help someone else. Rather than paying us back, they pay it forward to another person. The idea is that this type of activity will, in the long run, spread generosity and… Read more
#ChainOfBetters: One Step at a Time
When I first became a mother, I never dreamed of how rewarding yet incredibly lonely and tiring taking care of a child could be. From changing diapers to shuttling kids to activities, I felt that motherhood was getting the best of me. Before long, I found myself wearing the same old tired yoga pants, humming… Read more
Breast Health: What You Should Know | #ThisDuckWearsPink
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Breast Cancer Awareness Month aims to increase awareness of breast cancer and provides information and support to those affected by the disease. Additionally, it helps to raise funds for breast cancer research, cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and cure. We all know that lifestyle choices concerning our diets, exercise habits,… Read more