Category: Parenting

  • 5 Healthy Parenting Tips

    Every parent wishes there was a “Parenting Handbook” at some point in their parenting duties. From knowing what to say in the right situation to knowing how to correctly discipline, it is true that parenting is not for the weak hearted. Since children are each so vastly unique in how they view the world having… Read more

  • Fun Ideas to Keep Kids Active this Summer

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      Summer vacation is just around the corner and with the break from school comes parents biggest concern—keeping kids active during the summer. While most kids don’t see their activeness as exercise, anyone who has witnessed kids on a playground knows they are naturally physically active and love to move and play. Keeping kids active… Read more

  • The Benefits of Stroller Walking Group

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    Motherhood can often be challenging for new and experienced moms alike.  For new moms, the stresses of their newborn often lead to a tendency to have a very restricted social life. It’s rare to have the opportunity to meet up with friends or coworkers for a social event since most of your time is spent… Read more

  • 5 Ugly Lies Moms Tell Themselves


    Motherhood can be anything but direct and straightforward. Multifaceted and challenging, motherhood is an expedition for only the most resilient women among us. Very often moms are untruthful to themselves to make motherhood appear much easier and less challenging. Time and again we don’t even recognize we are doing it. Here are five lies you might… Read more

  • 31 Day Kindness Challenge


    We have all heard of the idea of paying it forward. This notion inspires us to help other people, asking only that they randomly help someone else. Rather than paying us back, they pay it forward to another person. The idea is that this type of activity will, in the long run, spread generosity and… Read more

  • 80 Non-Toy Gift Ideas

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    I recently wrote about my concern with the amount of “things” and “stuff” our kids have and receive on a yearly basis (you can read the post HERE). If you are feeling like me, pull yourself and your kids out of the uninspiring and expensive cycle of consumer flurry this holiday season, by trying one… Read more

  • Embracing Non-Toy Holiday and Birthday Gifts

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    Being a mom can sometimes be challenging, especially when it comes to gift giving. If your kids are anything like mine, they receive a good deal of gifts on their birthdays, holidays, or just-because from grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other relatives that may live near or far. Gift giving has become more of a… Read more

  • How To Get Kids to Fall In Love With Outdoor Activites

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    With computer, video games, and TV shows created to entice kids’ attention, our children are spending progressively more time indoors and far less time outdoors than previous generations. If you’re like most parents, this can be a cause of unease and worry. Most of these indoor activities require very little physical activity adding to the… Read more

  • 6 Surprisingly Effective Screen Time Tips for Kids


    There is no doubt that we live in a technological age. If you look at the amount of time your children spend in front of the television, computer, video games, or smartphones, you’d be surprised by exactly how much “Screen Time” they actually consume. Research by the Henry J. Kaiser Foundation shows kids ages 8–18… Read more

  • Adult Coloring: 10 Amazing Benefits


    Yesterday, on the way to meet up with a new friend, I stopped by the big bookstore in town to pick up a book I had placed on hold. I told my daughter that I sometimes dislike going into big bookstores, not because they did not have great books but because they did. The entrance/foyer… Read more