Category: Parenting

  • Swimming for Youth

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    Swimming is fun and lifesaving sport and an excellent form of exercise. As a form of exercise, swimming has many advantages. According to the CDC, swimming works the lungs, heart, joints and the muscles of the whole body. It is fun fitness activity that is primarily a summer sport but can be extended to year-round,… Read more

  • Homemade Teething Biscuits

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    My little girl is trying to cut her first two teeth. Some babies, like my oldest child, did great with teething, but my middle guy and baby girl, not so much. Baby girl is constantly chewing on her hands, or anything she could get a hold of. She is persistently irritable, refuses to sleep, gets… Read more

  • 7 Nelson Mandela Quotes to Help Our Children Become Strong Adults

    Every parent knows that raising children is a very important job. We raise them with the hopes that they will be honest, hardworking, compassionate human beings. With patience and love, we teach them about morals and manners, joy and justice, safety and security with the hopes that they mature into adults that carry themselves with… Read more

  • Quick Funny

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    I have three children: a teenager, a 19-month old, and a 4-month old. I found this joke to be more than true in this household. Even with the 2nd child being more like a 1st child (due to the age gap between my actual 1st and 2nd born), the poor baby really does have 3rd… Read more

  • Family Quotes

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    “Family: A social unit where the father is concerned with parking space, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet space” —Evan Esar “Unconditional love is loving your kids for who they are, not for what they do … it isn’t something you will achieve every minute of every day. But it is… Read more

  • How I Accidentally Got a “Mom-Do”

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    I had always praised myself for not being like the other moms around me. I didn’t drive a minivan, I wasn’t interested in helping out with the PTA, I didn’t wear mom jeans, I didn’t take my kids to playdates with other kids in the neighborhood. In my mind, I was still a young mom,… Read more

  • Family Fun in Chicago, Illinois

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    Chicago, Illinois is a great place to visit if you are searching for a quick family getaway that offers fun and excitement. Those who have children are sure to keep them entertained with Chicago’s infinite possibilities that are available year-round. The city and surrounding municipalities also have zoos, museums and other activities that are bound… Read more

  • Classical Music, Creativity and Problem Solving

    As parents, it is logical to wish that our children to mature and become equipped to accept any challenge that life has offer. Parents are always concerned that their choices and decisions are the right ones for their children. After all, guiding children to choose the right directions daily helps to instill values and give… Read more

  • Homemade Laundry Detergent

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    After seeing recipes online and hearing about friends who had gone chemical-free in their homes, I decided to try to make my own laundry detergent. There are thousands of recipes out that that use anywhere from 3-10 ingredients to make laundry soap. Personally, I found some of these “natural” homemade laundry soap recipes to have… Read more

  • Oswego: Where Are the Sidewalks?

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    When I was a teenager, I use to walk home from after school activities instead of riding the activity bus or calling my mom to pick me up. The walk was a good 1.5 miles through neighborhoods and a field. For the most part (minus the field part), I was walking on a sidewalk through… Read more