Category: Social Issues
Silent Saturday 11/29/14
America…Listen Up! Lessons from Ferguson
I usually do not post overly political posts on this blog. I try to keep the majority of my content here light and fresh. But the ongoing events in Ferguson, Missouri have had me anxious and edgy for days. I grew up in that area and in an adjacent town. While I no longer live… Read more
Wisdom Wednesday: Quotes by Maya Angelou
Wednesday’s on the blog, I reserve for wisdom/virtue quotes. It is something I started a year ago as a way to learn more about the virtues and to share a few quotes that I have found on each. Today, I am going to deviate a bit from this for today. You see, I have just… Read more
Blessing Bags
“To love God and neighbor is not something abstract, but profoundly concrete: it means seeing in every person and face of the Lord to be served, to serve him concretely.” (Pope Francis, Address during Visit at the Homeless Shelter “Dona Di Maria,” 5/21/13) If you are anything like me, you may always feel obligated to… Read more
7 Nelson Mandela Quotes to Help Our Children Become Strong Adults
Every parent knows that raising children is a very important job. We raise them with the hopes that they will be honest, hardworking, compassionate human beings. With patience and love, we teach them about morals and manners, joy and justice, safety and security with the hopes that they mature into adults that carry themselves with… Read more