Category: Quotes
Wisdom Wednesday: Humor
Good morning and welcome to another edition of “Wisdom Wednesday”. Each week I will post motivational quotes on various virtues. Last week’s virtue was self-sacrifice. This week’s virtue is the wonderful virtue of humor. Humor is the capability to recognize, take pleasure in, or convey what is funny, comical, absurd, or ridiculous. Humor really is… Read more
Wisdom Wednesday: Self-Sacrifice
Good morning and welcome to another edition of “Wisdom Wednesday”. Each week I will post motivational quotes on various different virtues. My intent is to create a reference for you to turn to when you feel you need a little motivation on a particular virtue. Last week’s virtue was tact. This week’s virtue is the… Read more
Wisdom Wednesday: Tact
Each week I post motivational quotes on various different virtues. In the past, I called this segment “Virtue Wednesday”. But I think the more appropriate title for this segment is “Wisdom Wednesday”. What do you think? I feel that the older and busier we get, the less out virtues hold together or we forget about… Read more
Peace Quote
Virtue Wednesday: Resoluteness
Each week I post a virtue. Last week’s virtue was courage. This week’s virtue is resoluteness. Resoluteness is the quality of being firm in purpose. In the news for the past few weeks, we have seen the resoluteness of the family and friends of the Malaysia Airline MH370 passengers who have held out hope that… Read more
Virtue Wednesday: Courage
Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. Last week’s virtue was hope. This week’s virtue is courage. Courage is the eminence of spirit that allows you to confront pain or danger without revealing fear. In history there have been many men and women who have shown exceptional courage in the light of… Read more
Virtue Wednesday: Hope
Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. Last week’s virtue was diligence. This week’s virtue is hope. Hope is defined as the feeling that our desires will be satisfied. Hope is trusting, expecting, longing, dreaming, with optimism and devout desire. Read more
Virtue Wednesday: Diligence
Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. Last week’s virtue was forbearance. This week’s virtue is diligence. Diligence is defined as the unrelenting and resolute endeavor to complete a task. Those with diligence are determined and insistent in a task. Diligence is the key ingredients for all success. Read more
Virtue Wednesday: Forbearance
Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. Last week’s virtue was fortitude. This week’s virtue is forbearance. Forbearance, or self-control, is the capability to use self-discipline under frustration. It is patience and cheerful easiness of setback s or ineptitude. Having forbearance means you can restrain your desires and instead permit attentive, more… Read more
Virtue Wednesday: Fortitude
Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. This week’s virtue is fortitude. Fortitude is strength of mind that allows one to endure adversity with courage. Throughout history, the greatest men and women have been those with fortitude. Read more