Category: Silent Saturday
Wisdom Wednesday: Generosity
Welcome to another addition of Wisdom Wednesday. Today’s post is just a preview of tomorrow’s post which also focuses on generosity. Generosity is the art of giving without expecting to receive anything in return. It can involve offering time, money or talents to aid another person or group. Read more
Silent Saturday 7.5.14
Silent Saturday 6.28.14
Silent Saturday 6.21.14
Silent Saturday 6.14.14
Silent Saturday 06.07.14
Silent Saturday 5.31.14
Silent Saturday 5.24.14
Silent Saturday 5.17.14
Happy Saturday! I hope that you had a wonderful week. This week, I have decided to start sort of a new tradition here on the blog. We have all heard of Wordless Wednesday, right? For those that do not know what it is, Wordless Wednesday is a blogging prompt used by bloggers all overt he… Read more