Category: Recipes

  • Crockpot Rosemary Pork Pot Roast Recipe

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    When we moved across the country to California from Illinois earlier this year, I had to leave behind or sell many things due to not having room in our moving truck. I was pretty bummed about giving up so much. But once I got here, I was so pleased with everything that I never knew… Read more

  • New Year 2015 #NewYearNewYou

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      Happy New Year! I hope that you had a great holiday season with family and friends. Now is the time to make resolutions for the new year.  Common resolutions for the new year include:  Losing Weight Volunteering  to Help Others Quitting Smoking Getting a Better of More Education Geting a Better Job Saving Money… Read more

  • 32 Amazing Paleo Recipes

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    I often get asked if I have any recipes on the blog that are Paleo or Gluten-Free. This past year, I have ventured and dabbles in  both “eating plan” worlds. I have tried and created some recipes that were good, and some that were down right amazing. When I write about recipes on  this blog,… Read more

  • Easy Crock Pot Ham and Pineapple

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    I love quick and easy just like the next person. This is probably why I use the crockpot as much as I do. I remember my mom using an old orange one when I was a kid. So, when I became an adult (with my own kitchen), I made sure that I had a crock… Read more

  • Yummy Paleo Waffles

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    I woke up this morning with a hankering for waffles. The truth be told, I have not been eating very paleo lately. I know that when I eat paleo I feel so much better mentally and physically but it is very difficult to restart once you take a detour (don’t take that detour). So I… Read more

  • Skinny Pumpkin Spiced Frappe

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    Pumpkin spiced beverages from coffee shops and restaurants are all the rage right now. Despite the fact that these beverages taste amazing, they are loaded with sugar and dairy that adds unwanted calories and eventually pounds. Not to mention setting you up for a big energy crash. A medium sized 12 oz pumpkin spiced latte… Read more

  • Homemade & Healthy Pumpkin Butter

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    Without a doubt, each October I fall in love with all things pumpkin and pumpkin spice related.  But this year, the pumpkins have rolled out early! Between the pumpkin picking, pumpkins lining the front porches, pumpkin pies, and the pumpkin spiced EVERYTHING, I can’t get enough! There are so many great pumpkin recipes available on… Read more

  • 30 Ways to Make Water Taste Better

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    If you are doing the 8-Week Health & Weight Loss Challenge or just trying to increase your water intake for optimal health, you know that plain water can be very boring. Sometimes you just need a little something to jazz up your water to make it a little more palatable. Below are 30 things to… Read more

  • Sexy Moxie Mama’s Homemade Savory Salad Dressings

    The USDA recommends that Americans consume at least three cups of vegetables per day. Incorporating vegetables into meals can seem like a sanctimonious compulsion. Salads are an excellent way to consume multiple vegetables in one sitting. The secret to a salad that the whole family will love is a good salad dressing recipe. Pairing a… Read more

  • Protein Shakes to Shake Off the Booty


    Good morning all you sexy mama’s out there! I have been experimenting with various /meal replacement shakes in order to cut the carbs and, hopefully, shed some of this baby weight. While some of the shakes are decent in the flavor department, others are down right awful! So, I have begun experimenting with my blender,… Read more