Category: Sponsored
BabbleBoxx Must-Have Essentials for Mom and Baby
This post is sponsored by on behalf of Single Edition Media. Hi everyone! I’m so excited to share with you a few awesome new mom goodies I just received. Being a mom of 4 kids —my oldest is 16 years old and my youngest is 3 months old— I can honestly say I know a little… Read more
Review: Exuviance Retexturing Treatment
Since having my fourth baby and inching towards 40, I have become committed to taking better care of my skin. I have come to appreciate the importance of a good skincare routine going into this new chapter of my life after years of neglect and substandard skin care products left my skin looking old and… Read more
5 All-Year Simple Green Living Tips
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Tom’s of Maine. All opinions are 100% mine. It’s hard to believe we just celebrated Earth Day last week. You might be curious as to why Earth Day is important to my family. With a teenager, two preschoolers, and one on the way, it’s important to… Read more
National Soyfoods Month
April is National Soyfoods Month! If you are vegan or vegetarian, you probably already opt for soyfoods as a way to meet your daily protein requirements. But recently, the mighty soybean, an Asian staple for centuries, has become popular among health-conscious, meat-eating Westerners as well. Read more
Benefits of Water Softener Systems for Your Skin & Hair
When we first moved to California over a year ago, our new home came with a water softener system. Having lived in the Midwest previously where it is normal to experience hard water, I never had the opportunity to use a water softener. In fact, I never knew there was a difference. But this past… Read more
Healthy Snacking with Chomps Snack Sticks
So I’m 19 days into my current Whole 30 Challenge, over halfway there! Whoo-hoo! If you don’t know, the Whole30 is a nutritional plan intended to repair your metabolism, your digestive tract, your immune system, and kick start your wellness by eliminating foods that may have a negative impact on your health. And I’m doing… Read more
Stocking Stuffers 101: Scarves, Candy, Music, Games, Electronics and More!
The holiday shopping season is here once again. Like many busy mamas, I do a pretty good amount of shopping online – particularly during the holiday season when the malls and stores are crowded. There is something delightful about getting my holiday shopping finished while lounging in my pajamas, drinking hot coffee, and playing some… Read more
5 Tips to Spice up Your Relationship this Holiday Season
One of the most difficult aspect people encounter during a long-term relationship is that the initial spark fades over time. Certainly, relationships require some ‘spicing up’ from time to time to avoid the relationship from becoming monotonous and uninteresting. Considering opportunities to spice up your relationship may be just what you need to reawaken the… Read more
#ChainOfBetters: One Step at a Time
When I first became a mother, I never dreamed of how rewarding yet incredibly lonely and tiring taking care of a child could be. From changing diapers to shuttling kids to activities, I felt that motherhood was getting the best of me. Before long, I found myself wearing the same old tired yoga pants, humming… Read more