Tag: Chili powder
Homemade Clean Eating Seasoning Mixes
Using seasoning in foods increases the natural essence in the food during cooking. Store bought seasoning mixes in those little pouches tend to have added salt, sugar, and other ingredients that takes away from the main spices in the seasoning mix. It is very easy to make fresh, clean eating, delicious seasonings at home with… Read more
Crockpot Paleo Chicken Enchilada Soup
I love when my mother-in-law comes to visit. She is always bringing us great treats. This past visit she brought a ton of fresh fruits and vegetables, salads, and 2 roasted chickens. I am not sure just how hungry she thought we were going to be that weekend but the second roasted chicken sat cooked… Read more
Sexy Moxie Mama’s Fall Crockpot Chili
Today is such a chilly fall day in Chicago—cloudy, windy, and the smell of snow on the air. There is even talk of freezing rain and it is only October. I love making chili on cold, gloomy days like today. The smell of the spices brings happiness to my soul. I have noticed lately that… Read more