Tag: eggs
Yummy Whole30 Ranch Dressing
The other day I told you how to make Easy Homemade Mayonnaise that is both Whole30 and Paleo approved. I love this mayo so much. I have been able to make tuna salad, egg salad, chicken salad, and a host of other goodies since I made my first batch. Since then, I have been experimenting… Read more
Easy Whole30/Paleo Mayonnaise
Back when I started my first round of Whole30, before I found out I was pregnant, I was a little saddened that I was unable to enjoy some of my more favorite “healthy” foods because they included non-approved ingredients. Some may think that the Whole30 is some ultra-strict, no fun diet. That is FAR from… Read more
SexyMoxieMama’s Low Carb Sausage and Egg Breakfast Quiche
Ingredients 1 lb Pork Sausage-browned and drained 8 oz Cheddar Cheese 6 eggs 1/2 tsp salt Dash of pepper 1 C cream Directions 1. Brown and drain sausage 2. Put sausage in the bottom of a pie plate 3. Top sausage with cheese 4. Beat together eggs, salt and pepper. 5. Beat cream into egg… Read more