Tag: God
Wisdom Wednesday: Meekness
Good morning and happy Wednesday! It is midweek, and that means it is time for another edition of Wisdom Wednesday. Last week I wrote about the virtue of moderation. This week I want to explore the often forgotten about virtue of meekness. Meekness is a potential aspect of human nature and behavior that appears… Read more
Wisdom Wednesday: Faith
Good morning and welcome to another edition to Wisdom Wednesday! I hope that you are enjoying the last few days of the summer with family, friends, and relaxation. I took a little time off from this blog to regroup and focus on developing upcoming series as well as creating some interesting collaborations. Before my hiatus,… Read more
Virtue Wednesday: Diligence
Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. Last week’s virtue was forbearance. This week’s virtue is diligence. Diligence is defined as the unrelenting and resolute endeavor to complete a task. Those with diligence are determined and insistent in a task. Diligence is the key ingredients for all success. Read more
Virtue Wednesday: Mercy
Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. Last week’s virtue was determination. This week’s virtue is mercy. Mercy is an act of kindheartedness, consideration, or goodwill. Read more
Virtue Wednesday: Joyfulness
Each week I will post quotes from a different virtue. Last week’s virtue was accountability. This week’s virtue is joyfulness. Joyfulness is the emotion of great happiness induced by happiness, achievement, or fortuity. Read more